Sita Wellness LLC Community Spring Cleanse
Customized, Ancient, Gentle: Based in Ayurveda and Yoga Therapies
Rejuvenate at the beginning of the natural new year with a detoxifying cleanse of body, mind & spirit.
April 3 – May 1, 2024
“One who is established in Self, who has balanced doshas, balanced agni (digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste), well functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul & senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person.”
-Sushruta Samhita, 15.38
The Ayurvedic approach to cleansing is an effective, natural, personalized, ancient method of emptying and resetting the digestive system to a healthy microbiome, bringing your mind gently back into balance. Techniques in the spring cleanse will include a special 3-7 day detox diet, followed by a juicing regimen, and ending with guidance on a diet that aligns with your unique constitution, supplemented by pure herbals and organic vegetable broth.
The Yoga Science method of cleansing focuses on emptying of regions and systems of the body upon which the Chakra rely to function and connect, to others and the universe. Kriya (internal cleansing) of the mind and body are accomplished with meditations, exposure to nature, postures, breathwork, relaxation techniques, and finally, a saltwater flush.
The natural new year of April brings not only new life in the landscape and barn, but also an inclination in humans to spend time outdoors, eat lighter, and shed some excesses accumulated during the winter. Your intestines also have their specific inclinations! The ancient physicians recognized this and devised a system of internal cleansing that mirrors the blossoming nature of April.
What is included?
Spring Cleanse Manual (PDF or printed)
Lifestyle worksheets, posters, infographics.
Herbal and supplements recommendations
Equipment for colon cleansing
4 educational community lectures (Zoom webinar & in person)
2 yoga & kriya community classes (Zoom & in person)
Weekly email support with readings, video, and assignments
3 hour salt water cleanse (Zoom only)
Self-care at Home Manual (PDF or printed)
4 Intro to Meditation classes (Tuesdays 7-8 a.m.; Zoom)
Trataka Workshop: Fixed Eye Gaze Kriya (Kalamazoo Clinic, 26 April, 6-8 PM)
Ayurveda Cooking Demonstration (Zoom)
Receive the support of Nature herself in regaining your balance. Customize your cleanse by starting with a 90-minute intake session so your plan of detox is aligned with your unique constitution.
Results from the cleanse might be:
· Balanced GI – reduced cravings, improved appetite, and normal elimination
· Improved sleep
· Clearer mind, lighter sense of being
· Glowing skin
March 1-20, Intake consultations, Wednesday or Saturday afternoons, in clinic or Zoom
April 2, 5-6 PM Orientation Meeting (Zoom)
Detox Dates:
April 5-25, 21 Day Detox Protocol
April 28, 8-11 a.m. Shankprankshalana (Salt Water Flush) (Zoom)
April 6 & 13, 4-5 PM Yoga & Kriya mat class (Zoom & in clinic)
April 3, 10, 17, 24, 5-6 PM Educational Webinars:
· Food to Bone: Ayurvedic Nutrition
· Kriya: The science of Spring Cleanse
· Sadhana: The science of personal evolution
· Prana: The science of human life force
May, follow up check-ins: Schedule Here (Zoom or in clinic)
There are many good, guided Spring cleanses available to you in community or solo. What makes cleansing with Sita Wellness LLC community different?
Customized to your dosha (constitution)
Herbals, supplements, and equipment is shipped direct (inside US)
11-15 hours of in person education and support
Self-care guidance you can continue throughout the year
Stable, like-minded community you can step into and garner however much support you require to succeed
Long track record (since 2013) of success leading the cleanse in 4 states and 2 countries
Have questions? Book a free call with Shreejan.
Would you like to discuss the program with a 2023 participant? Let us know by writing to sitawellnessllc@gmail.com and your confidential questions will be distributed to a detox ‘graduate’ who will contact you via email for a conversation.
What is the Investment?
No experience is necessary to undertake this education and shift. To learn this method and make this change, invest $186 in yourself, then stay with your new community throughout the year to stabilize the lifestyle.
You are welcome; we look forward to practicing with you.
Happy cleansing! See you at orientation.
Click here to learn about your Spring Cleanse facilitators and team!
-Alison, Kalamazoo
"Today is my last day of kitcheree. When I weighed myself this morning I was down 9 pounds but more importantly, my belly seems flatter. I’m still thinking about other foods but don’t seem to be craving things nearly as much."
-Chase, Dover N.H.
"During the duration of the spring cleanse I lost 15 pounds! After after the salt water flush, I felt the best I have felt in a very long time. It really set up my year for health and success."
Cancellation Policy
There are only 30 seats available in the Spring Cleanse. Cancelling your participation, launching with Orientation, is permitted 24-48 hours prior to the start of the meeting. If you cancel before 1 April, 5 PM, you will receive a full refund. After that time, refunds are not possible.
Contradictions and Cautions
A detox program is not recommended for anyone approximately 70+ years of age, or younger than 13, nor for anyone who is sick, weak, pregnant, breast feeding, or recovering from surgery. Anyone with a serious medical condition should first pursue stability in health before undertaking a Spring cleanse. The information provided here and during Sita Wellness LLC Spring Cleanse is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to substitute the advice of a licensed medical professional. Consult your doctor before shifting wellness protocols, including herbal supplements and natural, remedial procedures. Participation in Sita Wellness LLC Spring Cleanse is subject binding Terms & Conditions.

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